Is been a minute since my last post. Have couple things to talk about, but I have to put them together or i can keep posting it one after the other.
So today I decided to talk about family and prayers. So I was reading a book of most influential people about their life and what they achieved well I shouldn’t look so far because I have lots of friends that inspire me to reach my goals.
They motive me in different ways the ones that have achieved their and the ones working towards their goals even with challenges and obstacles on the way. But they keep pushing.
Always remember that goals are reachable and they is always going to be a hinder. No mountain is too high to climb with your faith intact.
Israel spent 40 years in Egypt, but still made it through when God came through for them. That is a reminder that God have you in mind when is time nothing will stop it.
Speaking of prayers. One thing I will say is the most powerful thing anyone can do for their kids is a gift of prayer. Pray for your kids, pray for your family. NO ONE’S PRAYER IS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE ONE YOU PRAYED FOR YOUR CHILDREN. That is very true. because you are very close to their heart and you birth them so who know them then anyone else …YOU.
Another one is to let your kids know what you do, and if time permit take them to your work place. We need them to know that we don’t just go out and come back from nowhere. I know some jobs won’t allow family visit, but giving them idea of the things you do will inspire them more. It will help mold them into better and future leaders.
Every parent’s prayer is that the kids are much more better than them. But how can you inspire them if they have no idea or see an example from you whom why look up to.
Ask them how their day went and get them into the habit of telling you about their day because it will build a bond that they will never forget. And it will also turn around one day, and they will start asking you about how your own day went. and here comes a conversation. From there you will know a lot of things that happened before they were hiding from you because it will slip off from their mouth unknowingly. Get them talking. Keep them in prayers. Wish them Luck. Praise them. Congratulate them. Lift their spirit.