As the Holiday approaches is hard to get everything together. Just something about the holiday that makes people panic. Maybe you haven’t done your gift shopping yet or you need to travel far away, and haven’t packed or bought tickets( which you should have. LOL). Or you have family coming in town, and you need to do some shopping for things to use in the house like groceries for cooking or house hold items.


Always remember this is the time to relax and take a break from all the worries from the beginning of the year. The devil want to use all these to distract us from the main reason of the season.

“Which is awaiting for the birth of Baby Jesus.”

Always pray in the morning when you wake up even if is reciting the prayers on your heart when you get ready for work, getting kids to school, going out to shop for more items.

Ask for God’s protection throughout the day. One day at a time. (if possible) .

Say Our father prayer and listen when you recite it . It says “Our Father” not “My father” , but “OUR” that means the Father of all nation to guide and protect us. We can’t prevent every bad thing from happening, but we can always put it in God’s hands and he will redirect every evil things coming our way for his name to be glorified.

Am not saying that God condoles evils, but remember Jesus died on the cross for our sins. God have the power to stop it, but he allowed it for a reason.

So remember  every little thing that happens in our life have a purpose to be fulfilled.

Is also a season for giving ( not waiting on people to give you stuff after you have been lazy all year. LOL) , but to help the needy families who need clothing, mothers who lost their spouses, homeless babies, battered women who have children they can’t cloth. If you can’t offer any gift to give them saying a prayer for them for God to send his protection and provide for them (if not from you), but from an  unexpected person.


This season I always ask my son to accompany me to shelters to help serve the needy lunch and teach him that he might have everything he need, but some people doesn’t have that privileged.

I don’t have much, but the one God gave me I try to do the much I can.

I like to volunteer my time when am free( either studying, working, helping son with his school activities) to help my community in any event I know that’s going on in the community.

You probably think how do I have time to do all these. Trust me is not easy, but even once a month or once  every 2 weeks is enough for me. Am not saying you have to help your community , but you got a good feeling when you know you made a difference. Even if is just saying a little prayer for someone. And asking God to change you to view things differently.


Trust me I use to judge people by the look I give them, but life have thought me few lessons. I begin to have deeper thoughts on things. And have a different opinion on things.

I also learned that when people try to hurt you that means they’re hurting too. So they want others to feel their pain( in an unhealthy way). Or some people will withdraw from people/society/friends. Everyone has their technique on how to face obstacles in life.

But what can we do we can’t prevent it that.   “SUCH IS LIFE.”

Pray and wait unto the birth of Christ. Our Father Prayer | The Lord's Prayer | Everyday prayers | #prayer #prayers #rosary #catholic

Be Bless and Be Safe.