So I was wondering how old can our kids be for us to make them learn how to say at least a simple prayer ? I can’t recall how old I was when I learned few prayer .. probably when I started talking because my parents figured if a child can talk they might as well learn few more things.
Prayers are very necessary for kids to learn. It helps them to know their faith, believe in God and protect themselves from danger if in one. There is power in Prayer they say and I know for sure there is.
They said Prayer is the master key to God and is also a way of praising God. If one can’t sing at least you can Pray.
Every denomination is different when it comes to prayer a child should learn off heart. Like Catholic simple prayers like…. St Michael The Archangel is very necessary for kids to know because is for protection especially in danger, then prayer to your Guardian Angel, and this Bible verse before I forget which is Psalm 23.
The society; perhaps the world been in a fast pace nowadays we need prayers more than ever . Even if we can’t say a prayer together as family making the kids learn those simple prayer will help them maybe not now, but later in life. If you are not home you can call to check on them and ask them to say a prayer to their guardian Angel so they can have a good night sleep, and also protect them.
In the Old Testament, Prayer did a lot of things. Mountains moved, ocean split in two, walls fell, lots of miracles I can name , but don’t want to go into details. We all have read the Bible one way or the other so we know them all.
No matter your religion find a prayer you can stick with as a family that the kids can know as well and make them recite it day and night ( before bed and when they woke up). Every one of us… both kids and adult have a guardian angel is like having a private nanny God assigned to you. Whenever you call on your guardian angel they’re alert to kill or prevent any obstacle that comes your way. Not that you won’t have obstacles, but like they say ” prevention is better than cure.”
Things happen to us for two reason ; so we can learn our lesson, and be watchful/alert. That’s why we have to call on him(our guardian angel that is). I have this thing since am a kid. If I don’t say my prayer and I go off my day if anything happen to me am the one at fault because I didn’t greet my creature( God) when I woke up. I will later say Sorry God I won’t do it again. Then I make sure I pray before bed so I can thank him for his guidance and protection throughout the day. There are still good days and bad days we sure have those days, but remember before things happen to you God already know. But still call on him.
Things happen to us to learn our lesson or to grow from it.
For refresher below are the prayers …

I will conclude with this prayer… Don’t forget your Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Our Father.( For Catholics)

Have a Blessed Weekend. October is almost coming to an end. May God Guide and protect us all. Amen