In Matthew 5 :1-12 it says and I quote “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. I never knew what this meant until I grew up and started to understand the word of God.
Okay… am not trying to be all preachy and all, but think about it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loses his soul. The society has made it in a way that we have to chase the things of the world . Well…including me. I know we got a lot in our plate. Bills to pay, families to support, parents to care for, siblings to support, and the list goes on.
But what happens at the end of your life time. Do you take all your possession with you ? I guess the answer is NO. Big fat NO.
I was going through the Instagram home page and a post poped up . It was one of the top fashion blogger who has cancer and in a dying bed. Saying she have the latest car, highest designers clothes, and lot of money in her bank account, but guess what all that can’t save her life because she has few days to live. Which she later died. I begin to think of my own life. If am no longer around today what impact did I leave behind t remember me.
Because at the last day God won’t ask you about anyone’s sin accept yours. Yep yours. He will ask you I gave you a talent to help the world what did you do with it, I gave you kids you asked for did you care for them, I gave you everything you wants did you use it. Is all us. No one will answer your call except. I take it this way. When your phone rings you’re the one that will answer it. You won’t give anyone else your phone to answer well except your mom called and asked that you give your phone to your spouse, sister or kid, or even a friend to say Hi to them. But that doesn’t apply to God’s calling.
I didn’t say you should be lazy either because God is the provider and so he won’t mind taking a pinch of wealth out of his garden of abundance to give you, but we have to ask. He is called the God of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham is the richest man of his time. And Isaac was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. How did he gain God’s richness by obeying him sacrificing his only Child to him. God sees our heart and blesses us according to what we can handle and how well we can use it. before you ask he already know what you need but you have to keep asking. But be sincere and persuasive with it.
We are blessed in so many ways don’t think you are left out. I know I know blah blah blah I have heard this before, but trust me. We all are bless. You woke up this morning that’s a blessing, you can go to work, eat, drink, talk, laugh.
I remember this song we used to sing when I was in Nigeria( pre school) … “Some have food but cannot eat, some can eat but have no food.. We have food and we can eat… Glory be to God on high.” I hope I got that right…LOL.
So remember we’re all blessed we just have to see it. Embrace what you have, and thank God for it so he can bless you more abundantly. Envy(well bad envy..that is) , Jealousy, and forgiveness blocks a lot of blessings coming to you from God. Boy have I grown. LOL.
To conclude I will like to say stay Blessed and be Happy.